C'est La Vie!

This Is Life...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Coconut Cracking Is not Easy My Friend..

Yes...I am finally kicking my lazy ass into gear and updating with this post....

Initially when I thought of posting, I didn't know or feel like actually thinking over some particular topic of significance to write about. I'll be honest, reading the blog entries of a couple of friends ended up being a rather daunting task...you all had such long thought out well written posts on rather thought provoking issues...or even simply stuff that one would think about-no matter how briefly- long after the the page was closed....

...I don't know if I am their yet regarding write ups...I am very enthusiastically vocal about a lot of things....serious and non-serious but when it comes to putting it down to words....that happens rather sporadically, and the end result is not always satisfactory to me. I am rather critical when it comes to what I write, I rarely like it...but I suppose that happens to a lot of people...and if it doesn't...then well...you can chalk it up to me being wierd that way!

Another thing that happens A LOT, when I talk or write, is that I tend to go off on a tangent and go so far off track so splendidly that by the end of it I am finishing a completly different 3rd or 4th topic that i had jumped to. Which is exactly whats happening right now....

...so coming back....since i didn't have anything in particular to write about...I thought...why not put a little piece of my shoddy attempt at poetry up here...And all ready to whip out my journal and jot my rhyme-schemed 6th grade poem for all to see, when came the time to start typing I hesitated a moment too long. After reading over what I was going to put up here, I paused to think of what I was doing. And I came to the surprising conclusion that i wasn't ready yet. No matter how much of a 6th grade sing-song of a poem it may be. You know why? Because that was something I had written when I was decidedly vulnerable...when I was feeling low...one of the few times that words did actually come easier to me and I was venting. The poetry might have been childish,and yes a bit on the sad side to many but it had a piece of my heart in it. And baring your heart for the world to see-or read as it may be-is not an easy feat. Infact its down rigth scary. To me, no matter how soft one may be at the core-and yes, I am a definite softy as well-the outward image that they will always try to portray will be that of utmost wavering strength. And its funny to see that even those closest to you will be convinced of the facade if you put it up long enough....no matter how much they may say they know you...there are always times when you will be the only one that knows yourself the most-notice how i didn't say completly,i don't think that ever really happens.

I think its somewhat inherent in all of us. To feel the need to take on the resposibility of something, or someone onto our shoulders. To come of f as a strong support system to someone else,to be somebody else' shoulder to cry on before you think of yourself. And sometimes, to do this without even being told to do so.

What I am actually trying to say here is that every body,wether it be one of those annoyingly chirpy morning poeple...or those polite soft spoke leaning on the shy kinds...to the down right closed of or rude ones and so many other kinds of people that you might come across...each one desrves the sincerety if you decide to give them some of your time. They all deserve a little genuine emotional investment from you, and its not always important to get it back in return....sometimes you just have to be a freindly face that was willing to give them a chance. To lend an ear. To probe a little below the surface that most scratch and then give up on. They might just surprise you.

So maybe, one day when I am confident enough in my own skin I might actually put up some of my poetry here.... and be confident enough to put it up knowing its for poeple to read and perhaps appreciate, not analyse and use as ammunition later.

Remember, no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise, most people are like coconuts. They're soft and mushy on the inside, you just have to be patient to break through the hard shell first to get to the good stuff !

Till then,keep it cracking! Ha! Get it?..cracking?....hmm...lame...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello All !

Hey guys, welcome to my blog!
Yes, I jumped onto the bandwagon and finally made one of my own. I am a Journalism Hons. student in my Ist year of college. I absolutly love to read and have been told that I am a rather good writer when forced under the pressure of a deadline...so here's me trying my hand at writing under normal stress/deadline-free circumstances. I have a feeling most people in my Journo. class have a blog of their own by now, thanks to the encouragement of one of our teachers-interesting woman!-, so I don't know how many of you from my class itself will bother checking this one out...but its certainly welcome to one and all! I am still not sure of what exactly this is going to be about but I can assure you it will be random! Oh, you know, whinings and ramblings of a moody teenager with the ocassional well worded post with illusions of seriousness and sophistication. Also kindly please do not keep any expectations what so ever regarding spellings for not only am I bad at them but I ocassionally come up with words, that a person not speaking 'my language' would fail to understand and would definatly not find in the dictionary.You've been warned!
And now that this supposed intro.is running too long I guess its time to wrap up my 1st post(yay me!)
Since this one lost out in the race to becoming the name of this blog, I'll put it in this 1st post so it doesn't feel left out...a phrase I read a while ago and really liked...'Carpe Diem', means Sieze the Day!
Hmmm...doesn't really fit into the whole intro. thing but, oh well...!
Hope to see you all around...
Kriti :)